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LINE and Form Indianapolis :: Frances Samarripa in the Momlight
Local Indianapolis moms doing big things: This month we feature Frances Samarripa, owner/ founder of Line and form Atelier in the Momlight.
Depression and the new me.
"People think depression is something you can just snap your fingers at, think positive thoughts and will get better." CityMom Danielle shares her struggle with depression and becoming a 'new me.'
Top holiday performances in Indianapolis :: Guide
We’re running down the holiday performances in Indianapolis to look forward to this year {as reported by our CityMoms!}:
I closed my business. What now? :: One mom's story
I closed my business and am wondering "what now?" It’s weird when you lose something you worked so hard for but only paid you in satisfaction and pride.
5 Amazing non-toy gift ideas for kids
With the help of the most knowledgeable mamas we know {love ya CityMoms!}, here's a list of the best non toy gift ideas that won't clutter your home... #sponsored
My Year of Yes
I decided that if an opportunity presented itself to me, no matter how afraid I was, I would try. This was my Year of Yes.
Top 5 winter travel tips
With around 2 months until Winter Break, Travel By Jennifer is once again imparting us with some valuable info - this time, her top 5 winter travel tips!
Talking to young children about body safety
In today's day and age, having 'The Talk' and discussing body safety are immensely important topics that just can’t wait anymore. Even for little ones.
Road trip worthy: Louisville's Jack O' Lantern Spectacular
We caught wind of CityMom Dara's plans to visit the Jack O' Lantern Spectacular in Louisville and were all "Can we tag along?" Here are the road trip notes:
I was a really good mom yesterday.
Old men have their high school football glory days, and moms have last week when everyone brushed their teeth and no one had their clothes on inside out. But we're all good moms.
5 Easy non-candy Halloween treats
Maybe it's the Teal Pumpkin Project or my family's desire to eat healthier. Here are 5 non candy treats we're looking to offer this Halloween! #hosted
Can we talk about mom guilt for a sec?
Mom guilt is a hell of a feeling: Putting yourself first or feeling as though you aren’t doing enough are the nightmares that keep us mommas awake at night.
Poonam Gill for Indiana :: A remarkable mom in the spotlight
Excuse us if you hear chants of "Poonam Gill for Indiana!" over here. But we're all kinds of smitten by this CityMoms alum and her determination. Poonam Gill is running for State Representative in District 88.
Am I supposed to like my mom body?
Here I am, two kids later and 10+years past my skating prime and I’m trying to find and accept my new size. Am I supposed to like this mom body of mine?
Drybar Indianapolis :: A moms night out event recap
There ain't no party like a mom party and a mom party don't stop... Except when we've taken over DryBar Indianapolis. Here's a recap of the fun we had at Indy's premier blowout bar!
The Art of the Brick at Indiana State Museum :: CityMoms Report
The news is just 'clicking' together: The Art of the Brick - a traveling exhibit constructed entirely of LEGO bricks - has arrived at the Indiana State Museum! CityMom Katie reports...
Indianapolis Pumpkin Patch Guide :: theCityMoms Picks
Nothing says Fall more than Pumpkin Spice Lattes and the annual family pumpkin picking trip. In this guide: theCityMoms dish on our top picks for Indianapolis pumpkin patch fun.
Top Winter Break destinations to explore
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! Wait, it’s still fall? Well Travel By Jennifer is already thinking about Winter Break destinations. #sponsored
Real life hacks {no seriously!} for moms, by moms
The reality is that the day to day responsibilities of our mom lives can feel overwhelming. So I polled my village and found an incredible thing - mom life hacks. Like a whole list of them. Here goes:
I couldn't breastfeed. It's okay. :: One mom's journey
"No matter what your struggle, just remember being a mom is hard enough without you putting the pressures or ideals of the world on yourself." Today we share CityMom Liz's breastfeeding journey...