Mom hacks: Toddler edition

We could all use some hacks to make life easier, right? Especially with toddlers. Here are our faves to save both your time and sanity (or what’s left of it).

Mom hacks: Toddler edition

Hack #1: Use a busy board to entertain outside the house without the screens

Whether it's in the pediatrician's office or at a restaurant, it’s difficult to keep a little body from wiggling all over the place and into everything! A busy board keeps your toddler, just that, busy…without having to pull out your phone to play videos. It’s several activities into one so you can stop stuffing dozens of toys into a bag. Plus, it folds to the size of a notebook so it can be stashed into a diaper bag or your toddler can easily carry it themselves. 

Hack #2: Kid-sized cleaning tools allow them to feel independent and help around the house 

Toddlers LOVE helping! We’ve heard the little “I help!” and the patter of their feet running to your side. But when you’re trying to clean the house or do a quick chore their help can drive you crazy. When it’s time to sweep the floor, remove the middle extension in a Swiffer sweeper to shorten the broom and send them on their way. They’ll feel a boost of confidence and you’ll get a pre-sweep on your floors.

Hack #3: Invite toddlers to enjoy snack time in a leftover shipping box to contain the mess and ramp up the fun

When it’s snack time, you hand your toddler a snacker of crackers or fruit and hope it doesn’t end up smeared on your carpet or couch. Save your recent Amazon box and have them sit in it while they snack. They will be intrigued by the quirky idea of sitting in a box to eat and you’ll contain the crumbs and mess. Bonus: Extend the fun and have your toddler color the inside of the box. 

Hack #4: A u-shaped toothbrush will make a difference between “brushing” and “actually clean”

Getting your toddler to brush their teeth can feel like wrestling a bear. If they aren’t trying to play in the water, they’re trying to escape the bathroom. Make the task a little bit easier with a U-shaped toothbrush that cleans the whole mouth in a few swipes and you’ll rest easier knowing that their mouth is actually getting cleaned. Bonus: save time in the evening and have your toddler brush their teeth while taking a bath. 

Hack #5: Avoid restaurant boredom by ordering for them first

Taking a toddler out to eat at a restaurant can sometimes feel like it’s more difficult than it is worth. We hope they will sit calmly for 20 or 30 minutes, but in reality, they can only manage 10-minutes, max.  To avoid the meltdown and keep them occupied, order your child’s food as soon as you sit down. Since toddlers tend to be slower eaters, you can help them get a jump start on their meal while you wait for yours.

Mom hacks: Toddler edition

That season of life when your little one is finding their independence and testing boundaries can be the most challenging and most magical, all at the same time. Finding what works best for your child can take some trial and error.  Do you have a favorite hack to survive the toddler years? Share them with us on Instagram

Emily Heck

Emily, originally from Columbus, Indiana, has called Indianapolis home for nearly 15 years. During the day she bounces between running a marketing agency and teaching college students but enjoys writing as a creative escape from the day-to-day grind. Emily lives for hot and humid weather and loves gardening and spending time on the lake. When she’s not chasing her free-spirited toddler, you’ll find her on a yoga mat.


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