I am a working mom. And I am more than enough.

I am thankful. I am thankful I have a job. I am thankful I am a mom. And I am thankful to know other women who have to balance both just like me.However just because I am thankful for all of those things, does not mean that some days it’s just plain hard to feel like I am enough for everyone. In a season like Christmas where there’s a mad rush at work to complete everything before the year ends or all of your co-workers are on PTO {because they didn’t use all of theirs for sick kids and doctors appointments} and it seems like everyone you know suddenly only has the responsibility of going to every fun holiday activity, it hard to not feel like you’re never present in either place.

I am a working mom.

I have a fairly typical 9-5 gig in downtown Indianapolis and I am the “carpool parent” for my son who started pre-K this year. I’ve done a lot to try and make sure that I have a career - it gives me fulfillment that {sorrynotsorry}, motherhood cannot. I also though try and make sure I’m there for all of the important moments for my kids.

Some days though, it feels like I’m never where I should be.

If I’m meeting with CPAs at the office, I’m thinking about how my son had to attend morning care at school instead of sleeping in that day. If I’m at home playing Pete the Cat, then I’m thinking about how behind I am getting with invoicing or data entry in our QuickBooks system.

LIZ ALSO SHARED THIS IMPORTANT READ THIS YEAR: It's my mental health anniversary

So what’s the secret? What is the magic key to feeling like you are the mom who has it all? Sorry to tell you, but I’m not sure there is one. Sadly, there will always be times I feel like I should be at the other place. There will be times when my anxiety demons take over and I’m worried about everything under the sun. What I can do though is try to remind myself of the things I am doing & the time I am there. I was the employee who made time to meet the new CPA team, I was the mom who made snacks on our week match the letter of the week for a cute theme, and all of that is enough.

I am enough.

Liz Duvall

Liz is a born and raised Hoosier living in Westfield. She is a Sales Manager and mama of four kiddos through a blended family, as well as two doggos. Liz’s favorite pastime is listening to music or binge-watching the latest Netflix series. She is a lover of coffee and even started her own roasting business with her husband called Viewpoint Roasters in 2020.


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What are your holiday traditions? Here’s our list.