You've heard it: Kids need physical activity. Let's talk why.

Summer's a time of reset for many families - reset routines, reset the busy days, quieter moments not cluttered by talk of school/studying/books/to-dos. Wouldn't it also be a good time to reset your kiddos health needs and identify if they're getting enough physical activity? We're partnering this week with NinjaZone to talk not just the whys behind how physical activity is good for kids, but ways to get started. Read on reader...

We've heard it countless times:

Physical activity is essential to our health and the health of our kids.

Research repeatedly demonstrates students who exercise have lower body fat, greater muscular strength, and improved cardiovascular and mental health. Moreover, a growing body of research shows children who are active are better able to focus their attention, quicker to perform simple tasks, and have better memory recall and problem-solving skills than less-active children. In a 2010 CDC Report, researchers stated that participating in physical activity was positively related to “academic achievement, academic behaviors, and indicators of cognitive skills and attitudes, such as concentration, memory, self-esteem, and verbal skills.” And the studies found physical activity benefits all children. There were no significant differences found based on gender, race, or socioeconomic status.

Our children don’t just suffer academically; lack of exercise can lead to serious health consequences.

Inactive children are at a greater risk for diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and chronic diseases, which can lead to increased absenteeism and decreased academic performance.  Preschool age children regularly engage in physical activity, whether at school or home. And typically  the importance of play is emphasized to parents early on. But, what happens once that child enters elementary school? The current recommendations indicate children ages 6-17 should engage in a minimum of 60 minutes of physical activity daily, and sadly only half of children meet this standard.

Here's a great list of places to volunteer as a family.

To complicate the issue further, many area schools are reporting recess times as short as 15 minutes, despite the fact that recess is associated with improvements in attention, concentration, and/or on-task classroom behavior. {Hey Carmel Schools, we're looking at you here!} Indiana currently has no laws governing minimum recess times, and many schools say they are unable to increase the allotted time due to “curriculum requirements.” In the meantime, many elementary schools encourage teachers to implement “brain breaks’’ as they see necessary. These could include unstructured play, classroom stretching or meditation, or a hands-on activity.  

We may expect changes to recess times to come at a glacial pace, so in the meantime parents can help through advocacy to school boards and legislators about the importance of both structured and unstructured time for physical activity and by planning active outings for their families outside of the school day.

Ways to get started?

Rally your local school district to change recess times. {Again Carmel, this is you!} Enroll your CityKids for classes at NinjaZone. Trial a program your child has shown interest in - many local studios offer a free class or week just for this purpose. Commit to getting more active with your family. 

MORE INFO: NinjaZone is owned by the same corporate entity, 3E!, which operates four area Wright’s Gymnastics facilities, two NinjaZone Academy locations, Ninja Sports International and NinjaZone LLC. NinjaZone works to create a space to engage children’s bodies and minds though focus classes and challenge sessions. Classes are reported to help children improve their focus and attention span, while improving moods, and developing increased levels of self-esteem. NinjaZone has 9 locations in the Indianapolis area and offers classes babies through teens. Learn more at their website. BONUS: Members of theCityMoms receive a 20% discount on classes with NinjaZone. Learn more by joining theCityMoms today

Laurel Price

Laurel traded in her former career of wrangling Fraternity & Sorority members as a university Greek Advisor for wrangling her 5-year-old son and 3-year-old daughter. She loves reading, long solo trips to Target, all things natural parenting, and (according to her husband) is becoming an obsessive environmentalist.


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