You were someone before you were a mom

January is my favorite month of the year.The freshness that comes with the planning of new resolutions and goals always seems to inspire me. As a perpetual list maker, a lists of goals {despite their ability to be accomplished or not} speaks to the heart of who I am.This year, my list includes finish my masters degree {happening in May even if I have to stay awake every second between now and then!}, cook more and eat less at my favorite Indian place less {sad... I know}, and... self-care.

Ah... self-care.

In the recent years, you hear more and more about self-care. I speak often to the students I mentor about practicing self-care despite their busy schedules. I’ve found out that it’s a heck of a lot easier to tell others to practice self-care than it is to do it yourself. Between working, being in school, and mommy duties, how am I supposed to even sleep, let alone find time to do something just for me?As I was considering putting “self-care” on the resolution list, I found a quote that was shared online. “You were someone before you were their mom. And that person matters.”Read that again...

“You were someone before you were their mom. And that person MATTERS.” 

Girl, that is powerful stuff. That really captures the essence of what self-care should be for us mommies. We have to realize that despite the sacrifices we make and all the times we neglect that long overdue haircut, we still deserve to be in touch with who we are and with our identities as women.

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So much of my identity now is being a mom to my son. In fact, it’s the most important role I’ll ever have. But there are still bits of Alicia that shouldn’t have to be lost because I try incredibly hard at fulfilling this other role. My son should see the silly person that Alicia was and still can be.This year I am really working hard at allowing myself to matter. I’m trying to spend more time with friends, be more creative and sing embarrassingly loud in the car. I wish each one of you a happy new year and the freedom to reacquaint with yourself. 

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Alicia Hazelwood is pretty sure she will never actually graduate from school. She is currently pursing her Ph.D. in educational psychology with a focus in online learning.When she’s not knee-deep in research, Alicia serves in her favorite role as mommy to her four year old son.She enjoys crafting, Costco and chasing a good coupon deal. She uses cycling and running to compensate for her love of eating too many tacos.


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