The Tie Dye Lab :: CityMoms Report

Face it: We've all had a bad hair dye job... So it was somewhat in retribution that our CityMoms + families hit Tie Dye Lab in Avon the other week to forget past mistakes and put a happy spin on the word 'dye.'Maybe you've visited a million times or maybe this is the first you've heard of it but Tie Dye Lab has quickly become a favorite on theCityMoms calendar. {So much so that we've added this outing as a regular, quarterly event!} In this CityMoms Report, member Amy details why the Tie Dye Lab - an interactive art studio focused on tie dye fun - is a put-this-on-your-list activity for your budding artist, fashion designer or loves-to-get-messy-kiddo. Take it away Amy…

My gorgeous daughters {8 and 6} love anything messy – me not so much. So whenever we see a theCityMoms crafty, messy meetup I am all over it! Bring on June’s event at The Tie Dye Lab in Avon. Well, after the obligatory breakfast at Jack’s Donuts first! ????So 10 CityMoms and 16 CityKids all met up for a Tie Dye party. Upon arrival, we were greeted by Terri who was immediately welcoming and assured all us novices that we’d get all the help we needed.We had all chosen our items beforehand {this isn’t necessary if you just drop in - our large group meant some extra organization was needed!} and got dressed up in protective gear while our pre-named items were handed out.Once we had our items we chose a table and were referred to the design guide and asked to chose what design we wanted. Terri and her helpers then came round and showed each of us how to twist, turn and elastic band our white garment to get the design we were looking for.So now we get to have fun with the dye! And again, we are shown how to do this to get the exact design we are looking for. I don’t know about you but each time we’ve tried tie dying we usually end up with a finished product that’s mostly white with a few splotches of color – we were shown how to make sure we get the die into the folds of the fabric rather than just add die to the top layer to make sure we get an all over color.Once we had finished adding our dye, it was handed over to the amazing staff who set the die, and rinse and wring your fabric. This takes a little time {especially for a group of 26} and so we momma’s were all super grateful for the play area – the chalk board wall, board and card games kept our CityKids entertained and didn’t even notice the small wait we had.

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Plus, we CityMoms got a chance to catch up with old friends and make new friends.

Once this was all done we were handed our finished products, with washing instructions and all started planning our next theCityMoms Meetup at The Tie Dye Lab. We all loved our t-shirts, shirts and towels!

MORE INFO: The Tie Dye Lab is located at 8100 E US Highway 36 in Avon, Indiana. Prices for tie dying vary based on the project your family decides to take on - they include shirts, towels, tank tops and more. Visit their website or call {317} 483-7903 for more details.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Amy Waldron is the Director of Finance for theCityMoms. She boasts a budding love for photography when she’s not balancing the books for tCM or hanging with her family.A mom of 2 wonderful girls, Amy is still fairly new to the USA and loves reading, exploring the local culture and meeting new mommas.


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