Car seat safety tips :: A quick primer for parents

There are a few topics that frequently appear on our private, theCityMoms members-only chat page: Sleep techniques, where to take toddlers when its raining/sunny/cold/warm/a random Friday {because #toddlers}, and car seats.What seat should my baby be in now? When can he move to the convertible seat? Where do the straps really need to be?

We get it parents. Car seats appear straightforward. But how many of us have spent hours trying to get that LATCH system tighter than a Kardashian's backside? More importantly: How do we know they are SAFE?Improper child vehicle safety is one of the top causes of fatalities among children. So theCityMoms partnered with Fletcher Chrysler of Franklin, Indiana to provide some key child vehicle and car seat safety tips. Read on:We are not car seat safety experts but this information from Fletcher Chrysler really struck a chord with our members. Then we asked a crucial question:

If you had one tip or comment to pass along to fellow parents about car seats, what would it be?

  • Have a professional install it, even if you've done it before. Our local police get 40 hours of training on installing carseat a and knew things I'd never have thought of. - Tara M.

  • Everything has to meet the same safety standards. The $50 seat and the $300 seat. Don't beat yourself up if the $300 is out of your price range. - Christine M.

  • Educate yourself on where the buckle needs to be placed. There is a certain place on their chest, not belly. Agree on price point. If it meets standards and you can’t afford the most expensive it’s ok! Often they have trade-in days, coupons, deals etc. shop around. Also you can have your car seat inspected for free if you aren’t certain it’s in right. Some police, fire, and hospitals. - Rachel B.

  • Never check a car seat a plane or rent one from a car rental agency. Always bring in board (and buy your child a seat). They throw checked car seats in a way that can damage them and you’d never know. Rentals... you have no idea of the history of that seat. Could’ve been in an accident... who knows. - Jennifer M.

  • Use them as far as you can, my 8 year old has about 6 month using a booster, he was on a 5 point car seat until he exceed it's dimensions, now I don't feel he is properly secured but he is at least not that small. - Leticia A.

  • No winter jackets. None. There have been countless reports and studies done showing they interfere with the safety of the belts. - CityMom C

MORE RELATED READING: Is my child ready for kindergarten?

Then we learned that CityMom Jaime is a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician and turned to her for a few more tips:

  • Installment is one of the biggest issues. A lot of people are using the wrong car seats, installing them incorrectly and still putting kids in the car seat with winter jackets on. Coats are a big no-no.

  • A lot of people are using the LATCH system on seats as well and don’t realize that the latch system has a weight limit separate from the car seat weight limit itself and your vehicle usually has their own weight limit to be mindful about!

  • Not all car seats need to be tossed after an accident. It depends on the type of crash but for safety purposes, it's usually best to toss.

We'd like to thank Fletcher Chrysler of Franklin, Indiana for providing the graphics and factsheet details for this post. Fletcher Chrysler is located at 3099 North Morton.


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