The Ninjas Are In The Building (literally)

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Are your kids obsessed with American Ninja Warrior? Do you find them taking precarious leaps off of your sofa, rearranging their bedroom furniture into an obstacle course, defying gravity on the monkey bars?

Mine, too.And if you have had just about enough of your house doubling as a training arena, consider yourself lucky to be a just a short drive from a state-of-the-art, first of its kind The NinjaZone Academy. Because the ninjas are now quite literally in a building.

The NinjaZone Academy is located inside the expansive and impressive Grand Park Sports Campus facility in Westfield, Indiana. Typically offered within gymnastics or martial arts studios, The NinjaZone Academy is facility is the first freestanding, dedicated ninja gym.


A member of Ninja Sports International, The NinjaZone Academy is a fusion of gymnastics, martial arts, obstacle training, and freestyle movement developed by Olympic-level athletes and early education experts. Yes, it’s pretty impressive.My little ninja and I were invited to a sneak peek of the facility, which is now officially open to the public, hooray! Here is what we thought:The INSTRUCTORS were incredible. High energy. High enthusiasm. Buckets of patience.Get ready to be wowed by the RIG and EQUIPMENT. Rope swings. Trampolines. Monkey Bars. Punching Bags. Various climbing apparati. I had to literally hold my daughter back from excitement.ninja_rig.jpgninja_climb.jpgWaiting can be so hard for little ones, but the NinjaZone class was dynamic and kept kids MOVING THE WHOLE TIME, which not only meant that my daughter remained engaged throughout the class but that she also slept like a champ that night.The NinjaZone Academy is FUN but also CHALLENGING, which is a combination you don’t always find in activities geared towards a young audience. I really appreciated the fact that my 4yo daughter wasn’t able to do everything, which is also very smart on the Academy’s behalf because she left wanting more.There were no PRINCESSES. Yes, she wore a bright pink shirt. Yes, I have relaxed a bit on my strict princess prohibition, but I leap at the chance to involve her in activities that pride her on her strength, endurance, and grit rather than her poise and beauty.one_happy_ninja.jpgIf I’m completely honest, I’m a little jealous that The NinjaZone Academy is built for kids ages 3-13 because I would love a crack at some of that gear.For more information on classes, schedules, and pricing visit The NinjaZone Academy’sWebsite.Follow them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

And STAY TUNED for an exclusive theCityMoms Ninja event coming to the Hub soon!



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